Oslo Metropolitan University
Country: Norway
Dept./Division/Laboratory: Optical/NIRS laboratory
Scientist-in-Charge: Prof. Dr. P. Mirtaheri
Peyman Mirtaheri
General description
Oslo Metropolitan University is an urban university with a diverse academic profile and a clear international orientation. Through the research we conduct and the students we educate, OsloMet seeks to respond to the needs of society and the labour market. OsloMet is forward thinking and committed to adopting new technologies and innovative solutions that improve the way the university is run. OsloMet is Norway’s third largest education institution, with more than 20.000 students and 2.100 employees. The OsloMet AI Lab (https://www.oslomet.no/en/about/tkd/it/ai-lab), opened by the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design in 2016, administers research and student projects in artificial intelligence, both applied and basic research, including theory and the use of machine learning in different areas. In 2009, OsloMet built its first optical/NIRS lab. The lab became part of a laboratory network at OsloMet with motion analysis lab and the research group Diagnostic technology and improved medicine DIAMED (https://www.oslomet.no/en/research/research-groups/diagnostic-technology-improved-medicine).
Role in MgSafe
- Work Package leader of WP6
- Host of ESR 8: Hafiz Wajahan Hassan
- Research topic: Oxygenation/perfusion at the Mg-implant
- Scientific part in MgSafe: In vivo Near Infrared Spectroscopy (WP2)
- Peyman Mirtaheri (PI, supervisor ESR)
- Terje Gjøvaag (co-supervisor ESR)
- Lene Bomann-Larsen (Project officer)
- Stig Nøra (Communication advisor)