

FUJIFILM VisualSonics Inc.

MgSafe logo VSI

Country: The Netherlands
Scientist-in-Charge: Dr. J. Jose
Website: VSI

General description

FUJIFILM VisualSonics, a wholly owned subsidiary of FUJIFILM SonoSite, designs and manufactures Ultra High Frequency ultrasound imaging systems, for both research and clinical use. VSI specifically focuses on Ultra High Frequency (UHF) ultrasound machines. For the first 3cm of a scanned body, UHF ultrasound provides images at much higher resolutions—as fine as 30μm—than other imaging systems currently available. VSI originally introduced its UHF ultrasound technology for use in preclinical research, specifically in small animal models of human disease (e.g. mice or rat models). With UHF ultrasound, researchers can study live animals subjects in real-time, longitudinally, with ill no side effects.

Role in MgSafe

  • Work Package leader of WP4
  • Host of ESR 15: Valeria Grasso
  • Speciality: Real time in vivo imaging systems for preclinical research
  • Scientific part in MgSafe: Develop ultrasound and photoacoustics (USPA) probe for Mg-implants (WP4)


  • Jithin Jose, Magdalena Steiner (PIs)