News & Events
24 to 29 August 2022 I 14th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, Alicante, Spain
MgSafe was largely represented at the 14th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals in Alicante, Spain, and ESR 10 Hanna was awarded for the second best oral presentation. 14th Biometal 2022
26 to 29 April 2022 I MgSafe final meeting, ESR day and international conference (hybrid)
At the final MgSafe meeting, alle ESRs reported their progress. There was a presentation on 'Regulatory aspects in magnesium implants development and port marketing surveillance' as well as time for discussions and joint paper writing.
The grand finale was the joint dinner in the roof restaurant of the Grand Hotel Duomo.
Agenda (11,5 MB)
ESR 15 Valeria and ESR 10 Hanna present MgSafe at the Imaging Workshop
After that, MgSafe was presented at the scientific conference on high resolution pre-clinical imaging with international participation and audience Agenda Imaging Workshop 'New trends in high resolution pre-clinical molecular imaging' (340 KB)
1 to 3 March 2022 I MgSafe hybrid work shop and ESR day Gothenburg, Sweden
The work shop covered (immuno-) histological techniques, inflammation, tissue regeneration & remodelling, and a short session on animal models. At the end of each day, there were practical sessions.
Agenda (137 KB)
The ESR day 'Bridging Science & Entrepreneurship' expanded from targeting the MgSafe network to outreaching staff and doctoral students at Sahlgrenska Academy (UGOT) and Chalmers University of Technology, both located in Gothenburg. During this one-day workshop, a total of ten leading speakers from academia and industry provided talks with focus on magnesium-based biomaterials.
Agenda ESR day (1,0 MB)
22 to 24 November 2021 I MgSafe Career Planning and Application-Training, Hamburg and Geesthacht, Germany
Visiting Hereon biometals manufacturing facilities and BioLab, Geesthacht
This was the first time after the pandemic, the ESRs could meet in person again.
The training included soft skills training as well as topics such as identifying attractive jobs, preparing a sound application and approaching potential employers.
Agenda (159 KB)
21 to 26 August 2021 I MgSafe hybrid satellite meeting to the Biometal 2021 and ESR day, Vienna, Austria
At a hybrid satellite meeting to the Biometal 2021 of the ESRs with the coordinator in Vienna, the ESRs organised presentations by external experts on the production of Mg bulk materials and an overview on magnesium corrosion behaviour and joned the Biometal 2021.
Agenda ESR day Vienna 2021
14 to 18 June 2021 I Virtual meeting, ESR day and Materials Workshop, Warsaw, Poland
The meeting started with the general assembly (GA) where all ESRs reported on the progress of their projects, followed by the joint boards meeting and the first ESR day 'What to do after PhD?'.
ESR days are little workshop like events fully organised by the ESRs to practice communication skills, exchange information, network and practice project management. This also includes the invitation of visiting scientists selected by the ESRs.
The other three days covered training on material and surface analysis methods.
10 Mai 2021 I MgSafe virtual work shop on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Hannover, Germany
Screenshot of Martin giving the virtual workshop on MRI
Magnets Spins and Resonances, MRI Theoretical Basics and MRI "hands on"
Agenda (314 KB)
20 April 2021 I MgSafe virtual SAXS training, Hamburg, Germany
Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a technique by which nanoscale density differences in a sample can be quantified.
In the context of MgSafe this gives insights into the impact of biodegradable implants on the crystallisation and crystal orientation of newly formed bone.
8 April 2021 I 2nd virtual workshop ‘BioImplant meets MgSafe’
2nd meeting of the workshop series ‘BioImplant meets MgSafe’ for characterisation methods especially based on simulation and modelling
Agenda (247 KB)
8 to 12 March 2021 I MgSafe virtual work shop 'Good scientific practice' and 'Good scientific writing', Hannover, Germany
This work shop is in addition, enhancing and supplementing the workshop in Graz 2019.
How to improve your writing skills
Good scientific practice: “dos and don’ts”
Q/A on necessary writing skills
2 to 4 March 2021 I MgSafe virtual work shop 'Media training' and 'Photoacoustics & Ultrasound Imaging', Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Screenshot virtual media training
Media training 'From microscope to microphone': How to turn science into a good story
Photoacoustics Imaging: Theoretical and practical introduction with breakout sessions and Q&A: Groupwork to develop a protocol for implant imaging
The originally planned session on Magnetic Resonance Imaging had to be postponed to May 2021.
Agenda (405 KB)
14 to 18 December 2020 I MgSafe General Assembly (GA) and training, Pisa, Italy
ESR 6 Leon at a preclinical PET/CT scanner
This meeting as well as the work shop 'Molecular imaging technologies for biodegradable bone implants' and training on 'basics and tools for successful project and time management' was fully virtually due to pandemic related travel restrictions and social distancing.
Flyer molecular imaging workshop (652 KB)
8 December 2020 I MgSafe virtual work shop 'Staying Connected in Socially Distanced Times'
A workshop to strengthen the ESRs thus improving their resilience with special focus to the pandemic conditions and social distancing through improvisation exercises and techniques to
✓ ... continue to network with colleagues and build even stronger peer group support
✓ … deal constructively with uncertainties #resilience
✓ ... take the lead in unprecedented times.
Together, a psychological shelter was created in which new ideas could be tested, risks dared and good-naturedly failed.
27 November 2020 I MgSafe periodic report 1 submitted
The periodic report covering the first two years of MgSafe was submitted to the EU and will be evaluated with the help of an external expert.
Summary (181 KB)
30 October 2020 I 1st MgSafe virtual ‘coffee break’
An informal regular meeting of ESRs and the coordinator has been initiated in order to intensify direct communication despite all pandemic related restrictions. The next meeting is scheduled for January 2021.
October 2020 I MgSafe virtual training on µCT Imaging Techniques and 3D analysis of bone-biomaterials, Oslo, Norway, and online PhD course ‘Raman spectroscopy of mineralised tissues’,Gothenburg, Sweden
UiO has hosted a virtual workshop on μCT imaging techniques and 3D analysis of bone-biomaterials interface, and UGOT organised an online PhD course ‘Raman spectroscopy of mineralised tissues’ in October 2020.
3 September 2020 I 1st virtual workshop ‘BioImplant meets MgSafe’
MgSafe teamed up with the ETN “BioImplant” and started a workshop series for characterisation methods especially based on simulation and modelling. The first workshop was planned as a Symposium during the “Biodegradable Metals Conference” (Alicante, Spain, August 2020) but due to pandemic related restrictions organised as a virtual event.
2 to 6 December 2019 I MgSafe Mid term meeting and training, Graz, Austria
EU project officer MgSafe Ioanna Peppa
The mid term meeting is basically a meeting between the ESRs and the REA representative. This meeting is intended to allow the researchers to discuss with the project officer (PO) about their experiences within the network in terms of training foreseen, supervision arrangements, progress and impact on their future careers.
Hands on session
The training in Graz was on in vivo experiments with extensive hands on sessions and good scientific writing followed by a workshop on personal learning environment.
Agenda (278 KB)
Soft skill training
23 to 27 September 2019 I MgSafe training in Brüttisellen, Switzerland
The training event in Brüttisellen was hosted by SCANCO and planned by WUT with contributions of the partners HZG, MUG, SYN, OsloMet and BRI.T. There were lectures and live demos as well as hands on sessions.
16 to 21 June 2019 I MgSafe General Assembly (GA) and training in Oslo, Norway
Parallel to the supervisory and scientific advisory boards meeting, the ESRs received an introduction to financial and administrative matters of the MgSafe training network. At the General Assembly (GA), PIs, representatives of the beneficiaries and ESRs presented their contribution to the network. The scientific level was high and strong focus on the students led to a very good outcome.
The training sessions in Oslo consisted of the two sections ‘Introduction into the network and techniques’ and a team building workshop for ESRs only.
Agenda (152 KB)
23 November 2018 I Coordinators Information day in Brussels, Belgium
The coordinator HZG attended the Coordinators Information day in Brussels, Belgium, in November 2018 and reported to the consortium
Agenda (606 KB)
6 and 7 November 2018 I MgSafe Kick-off meeting in Hamburg, Germany
The MgSafe kick off meeting took place from 6.-7. November 2018 in Hamburg.
All 13 project partners were represented by at least one PI. Some were accompanied by their EU projects and public relations officers to get into the project right away.